Here's a little chris j. shot to remind you...
I've been joking with peeps a lot recently about sponsors and bike racing and what a pain in the ass it is. Bitchin mitch and i were out roadie ridin a few weeks back and he was telling me about what a clusterfuck his race team has been this year and how over it he was. It seems like most of the people that are into that sort of thing i talk to have had the same experience. I race mtb so i don't really worry about sponsorship (there isn't any really) but there are some teams out there that seem to get some help. i think its cool, but all the teams i see are pretty straight laced operations. red, white, and blue kits, thanking the lord in podium speeches, voting for Dubbya, that sort of thing. If thats what your into ok then have at it. but im not and neither are a lot of people i hang out and ride with. In fact, i'd say a majority of serious riders in know aren't into that shit. So this is the thinking i've been having over the past few weeks. Start my own team, one that isn't all about pleasing the squares of the world. its too lopsided out there right now and it needs to be fixed. we need more misfits instead of nickleback. more PBR recovery instead of Electrolyte replenishers. more singlespeeds and a hell of a lot less powertaps. I'm gonna work on this, stay tuned.
rat shit racing is coming.