thats the sound of hopes, wishes, and dreams being crushed under the wheels of the BC cycling freight train of pain that rolled through conyers last weekend. i figure since everyone else on this team is genuinely nice and respectful i'll volunteer for the position of team shit talker. someones gotta do it, might as well step up.
seriously though- last weekend all i gotta say is damn. i thought spirits might have been a little low after the grass field and gravel road racing we had down in dahlonigghaa, but i was wrong. good job team 7 out of 8 wins aint too shabby.
of course i still don't have a W in my pocket yet, but i'll keep plugging away.
A few thoughts about the races this past weekend...
- the slalom course was a little retarded this weekend, i understand putting things together on a shoestring bucket, but don't mark your course by using green spraypaint on grass and penalize us for not seeing it.
- wilson dude on the black specialized hardtail, take a fucking shower. you are disgusting. i'll even buy you some dr. bronners hippiefuck soap if you like. i understand not being able to wash your jersey sat night before the xc, but you made a dirty portajohn smell like b.o. I didnt even know that was possible.
- the xc courses in conyers kick ass!!
i've been cruising a few blogs lately and i've noticed the trend seems to be to put a radibonzical racing pic of yourself up with a phrase that uses words like MONSTER, PINNER, BRAPPP!, RIPPER, SHREDDERGNARCOREBROSEPH, ETC. It got me thinking that maybe it was time to change out the ol' header pic, but then i sat down and had a little soul search with myself. those words don't really fit me, i actually prefer living the good life, and so the header stays. sorry guys. one day i'll be cool, i swear.
Dano (quite literally in this pic) out.