Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Broken body, 1 year older, not dead yet.

So this summer was the first one in memory that i spent most of off my bike. First the shit (giardia), then i hurt my back, and finally blew up my hand. Not all at once mind you, but one after the other with a week buffer between each. Real nice.

What can you do?

I started thinking about other projects that I'd been putting off for years. I finally put together an alleycat race for Brevard, and it WENT OFF. 70 people showed up out of nowhere to get rowdy and act ridiculous on bikes on a Sunday in July. Shit was awesome.

So I'm doing it again. Better be there, and you better be zombified. Or I'll zombify you personally, and you won't like it.

And picking up where the Fast Times race left off.....

The after party.

Better be there,

Dano out. (but hopefully for not as long this time.)