Wednesday, February 6, 2008

another day, another ride

I went out last night for my roommates show and drank way too much. Stumbling home at 3 in the morning is not the way to win races, or make it to a 10 am class for that matter. whoops! woke up quick, at about noon, thought that i had to be in compton soon...
yeah i missed my classes, but no wories i'm doing good in school cause its easy. i cleaned up a bit and lazed around the house for a bit "rehydrating", until i had to take advantage of the day no matter what my head felt like. i threw the new kona in the clampett and headed for felasco. got in a good 3 hr solo ride at speed and came home to gorge myself on pasta and potatos. shit yeah! thats all for today, i'm getting some good sleep tonight and rolling towards powerlines tommorrow to put the hill hurt in my legs.

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