Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"There better be a bottle or at least a couple beers, cause there ain't no way but up from way down here"

-Whiskey and Co.

my life has been seeming like a bit of an old country song in the last couple of weeks. i guess you can only climb so high before you come tumbling back down eh? i know that life is gonna have its ups and downs but shit man, this is absurd.

first off, i'd been worrying about school and the debt that comes with it until i find out that i actually couldn't go back at all. you ain't got our money? do not pass go, do not collect $200, get your shit and get the hell out.

huh. so that's how it is. i see.

well that bummed me out a good bit but theres other schools and it is nice not to have to pay back a massive shit ton of money and just a regular shit ton. (a shit ton, for those not in the know, is the standard of measurement for student loan debt.)

so whatever i can handle this is, then catface starts coughing. here you go vets take the rest of my money.

ok well money, i can get more of that i can handle this.

then my great aunt dies. i liked her. i am sad, but i can deal, i'm a tough kid.

ok so its bad but not too bad right? i can handle this its cool i'm looking at the bright side of things i still live in pisgah and i've got a beautiful, sweet girlfriend. hey i can deal with this is what i'm thinking. its not so bad, life goes on.

then i get dumped.


f my life.

dano out.


Jenna said...

We love you, Dan. BC or no BC.

Even though you are a Floridian.

Elizabeth said...

i'll be your beautiful, sweet girlfriend. i'll take care of your cat. i'll continue to go to BC for you. AND i'll even let you call me your great aunt's name.

tell me i'm not a good friend.
